Own Paper edit : Blog 3

Blog 3: Paragraph Edit

The expanding and ever changing flow of material in which young minds have access to is decomposing the youths abilities to communicate and form deeper relationships. Nowadays younger people have relationships , larger in quantity yet few of them stretch deeper than the surface. Since a rooted friendship takes a long time to form and grow,  meaning  it requires more effort from both parties than what most  are used to giving. To have this kind of relationship, people have to take time to focus on the person they want a relationship with, whether platonic or romantic. Coupling this factor with the distractions all around us, even in our pockets, makes it almost impossible to form genuine, connections with those around oneself. Our cell phones occupy most of the time we spend awake, no matter if it is for recreational use or for work purposes. They create a bubble in which we become enveloped, putting up a wall between us and the surrounding people, immediately removing the possibility for conversation. Without this initial opportunity for connection, the whole idea of a relationship is lost.
